1. I hereby acknowledge receiving the above described animal
2. I agree to provide proper food, water, adequate shelter, and kind treatment at all times.
3. I agree to take the animal to a veterinarian for examinations and immunizations as needed; and to procure immediate veterinary care, AT MY OWN EXPENSE, should the animal become ill or injured.
4. I agree not to allow the animal to breed and to spay or neuter any unaltered animal in accordance with the terms of the Sterilization Contract.
5. I agree to license the animal in compliance with the laws and ordinances in force in the municipality in which I reside.
6. I agree to notify the SBCHA if I decide at any time that I can no longer keep the animal.
7. I agree not to allow the animal to be used for medical or other experimental purposes.
8. I have read this section. I have had it explained to me and I completely understand and accept the rights and obligations involved.
9. I understand that the SBCHA cannot guarantee the health, temperament, or training of the above described animal and hereby agree to release SBCHA from all liability once the animal is in my possession.
10. I further understand that I may have to give up custody of a stray animal if it is claimed within thirty days of my adoption by the former owner.
REMEDY FOR NON-COMPLIANCE: It is agreed the SBCHA retains superior title in said animal limited to and for the express purpose of assuring the animal’s well-being and will only exercise its superior claim in the event it appears to the SBCHA that the proper and humane care as specified in the above adoption provisions is not being afforded said animal, in which case the animal may be taken through a Claim and Delivery proceeding.